
     Clearly, I’m still not over the Minion mania. But this post isn’t about the Minions. It’s about something that has been a vital part of my life for a few months now. Something that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. And as romantic as it might sound, I’m going to have to disappoint you; but only for a short time. Because that irreplaceable part, dear reader, is you. 🙂
     My blog hit an all time 4000 views yesterday. Needless to say, it was a great feeling. I’ve published 71 posts so far, so that’s an average of 56 views per post; not bad at all for a novice writer, I reckon! When I reflect on the various topics I’ve covered, I find that I’ve been treading on grounds previously unexplored by me. I’ve made some silly posts, some sensible ones, some about me, some about the conditions around me. But if there’s something I’m really proud of, it’s the fact that I’ve been progressing. It has been slow at times, and in mathematical terms, the delta is small, but the summed delta is quite considerable.
     Since the 3000 hits mark, I’ve registered for a really good website, IndiBlogger. Thanks to this congregation of bloggers, I now have a wider readership, and a wider range of articles to read. It is a win win situation; you get valuable feedback on your views, and a variety of subjects to expand your view upon. If you’re a regular blogger from India, do register on the site here; the best thing about it is it doesn’t support plagiarism, and company websites. Pure, amazing ideas.
     I also returned to Twitter after a year long hiatus, and got myself on Instagram. It’s been fun so far, and I’ve successfully restrained myself to only one solo selfie so far. Achievement unlocked! 😛


     I’d like to thank everyone who bothered to read my posts and encourage me to keep writing more. Only a blogger will truly appreciate the importance of the number of visitors to your site; after all, no one would want to write for no one to read. As I’ve mentioned previously, it is a great experience to be sharing stuff with the world, and have been lucky enough to get a good set of reviewers. Thank you again! 🙂
     Signing off for now, have a nice day!

5 thoughts on “4000!

  1. Congratulations! I’m a bit over 44k views myself, albeit 700+ posts in. My guess? You’ve more eyeballs per day, per post, than I ever gathered in my first year. Much of the fun in blogging comes from the lessons you learn along the way, and the chat. My suggestion: keep on keeping it fun, and pace yourself as needed. Blog success is a marathon, not the sprint so many run, the road to burnout and extinction. So easy to flare and die out, so common. I know you can do better!

    Also, Welcome and Thanks for following my blog. I love all the back and forth, it’s the one thing in blogging that rises far above other writing. All ideas and feedback appreciated – Greg

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